design and development shares many similarities with the
management of innovation. In this class you will learn how to unite
the disparate ways of working in interactive multimedia and focus
on the anticipation of risk to control time, cost and quality in
a project. This class will have a strong emphasis on production
planning and skills. A direct link with your Masters Project is
advisable because extended research and technology awareness is
a vital component of the submission.
and developing multimedia – Larry Elin, 2001 Allyn and
Bacon ISBN: 0-205-31427-9
Managing Multimedia, Book 1 – Elaine England and Andy
Finney, 2002 Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-72898-2
Managing Multimedia, Book 2 – Elaine England and Andy
Finney, 2002 Addison-Wesley ISBN: 0-201-72899-0