Markup Language
Basic HTML document source code looks like:
entire web document
and ends all HTML documents
and Scripts </HEAD>
Only elements between the HEAD tags are the TITLE and any SCRIPTS
(Such as a JAVASCRIPT)
document's title </TITLE>
is the TITLE of your document. It is NOT shown anywhere but
in title bar
that will be on your web page! </BODY>
the BODY tag are the attributes of background and 'forced
text and link colors
P tag denotes a paragraph. HTML puts two line breaks so there
is an empty line separating paragraphs.</P>
does not break lines (except for line wrap). The BR tag denotes
a line break.
Puts a horizontal
Mystery Productions </A>Denotes
a link to another HTML document
can also use the <A> (anchor
tag) to incorporate your email address into a 'clickable' that
will allow the web surfer to send you email, if his browser
is properly configured.
SRC="NAME.GIF"> Places
an image
All HTML tags must be closed with the exception of:
of the Source code for an entire Basic HTML Document
<TITLE>My first
HTML assignment</TITLE>
This is an HTML Document. It's not as hard to do this as I thought
that it was going to be. I think the hardest thing about doing
all of this is going to be trying to decide what it is that
I want to say! But right now I want to link to another
<a href="http://www.mystery-productions.com/">
web page. </a>
And to include my
<a href="mailto:mlprice@mystery-productions.com">
email address</a>
And also to show this neat gif that I found!
<img src="blue_one.gif">
Save this file as:
would appear in an HTML document as:
This is an HTML Document. It's not as hard to do this
as I thought that it was going to be. I think the
hardest thing about doing all of this is going to
be trying to decide what it is that I want to say!
But right now I want to link to another web
And to include my email
And also to show this neat gif that I found!
Your first page of your Homepage MUST be saved as index.html
Any other
page would be saved with any name that you choose. An example
would be if I wished to have a link on my Homepage to my resume.
On my Homepage I would make a link using:
href="resume.html">My Resume</a>
In this case
I've created a separate file called resume.html
and I am refering to it with the hypertext
is easy to find a site with publically available icons. One of
the best places to start is the page design and layout/graphics
section at
Yahoo! Or, if you know what you are looking for you can go
to Filez. Use the pull down
menu to select 'Graphics' and then type in the name of the graphic
for which you are searching When you find a graphic or icon that
you like you can save it to your disk by placing the cursor over
the graphic and, if you are using a two button mouse pressing
the right mouse button. A menu will pop up. If you are using a
one button mouse, just hold the mouse button down and the same
menu will appear. Example: