The purpose
of this module is to have you experience the Design and Development
stage of a project. You will generate several parts of a project
report that would be generated for any proposed multimedia project.
You are strongly encouraged to gear this report toward your final
MA Project.
The 5000 word written
report will include:
document of your proposed Project: one to two page document
(also called a proposal) that describes the proposed product, its
subject matter, target user group, genre, and touches on the multimedia
Analysis: what else is out there that is similar to your
proposed multimedia product.
Design: a greater description of the five key components
of your product (target users, venue, purpose, subjects, genres)
Analysis: An in-depth look at the content, features, functional
control, look/feel, and over-all structure of your product that
prioritizes the elements.
Specification: Includes Title Summary, Introduction, Node
Descriptions, assets needed etc.