Teaching and Learning Theories Design Develop Deliver Brief Assessment Criteria Links of Interest Module Descriptor Goals Distance Learning Hyperstaffs Report Writing Tutorials Hypermedia Drills Simulations Games Assessments Class Homepage Lecture Schedule

  • Students will become familiar with a broad as well as a narrow definition of educational multimedia.
    Specifically discussed week 1
  • Students will gain an understanding of the different educational theories than describe the many ways people learn
    Specifically discussed week 2
  • Students will learn about the general features of software that is produced for instructional purposes.
    Specifically discussed week 3
  • Students will gain an understanding of how interactive tutorials are used in educational multimedia.
    Specifically discussed week 4
  • Students will become familiar the philosophy of the use and creation of hypermedia and how it is applied in an educational setting.
    Specifically discussed week 5
  • Students will explore educational simulations and gain an understanding of how these can advance understanding in educational multimedia.
    Specifically discussed week 6
  • Students will examine how educational games are impacting the teaching process.
    Specifically discussed week 7
  • Students will discuss and review ways that Open Ended Environments can be used in educational multimedia.
    Specifically discussed week 8
  • Students will gain an understanding of the construction and use of tests and assessments, both formative and summative in a multimedia environment.
    Specifically discussed week 9
  • Students will explore how distance learning has changed with the implementation of the web and how it is used in offering classes in a synchronous and asynchronous environment.
    Specifically discussed week 10
  • Students will become familiar with how to incorporate learning objectives in an educational artifact.
    Discussion throughout the entire semester.
  • Students will examine how educational multimedia design is impacted by all the issues covered during the semester.
    Discussion throughout the entire semester.

Class Homepage | Teaching/Learning Theories | Distance Learning | Design Develop Deliver |
|Hypermedia | Drills | Simulations | Games | Assessments
Goals | Module Descriptor |Assessment Criteria |
Schedule | Brief | Links | Report Writing | Hyperstaffs

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