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Graphics Tutorials Map Use the text navigation at the bottom of the page if you cannot see the map

Web Graphics

The ability to add photographs to your web page really makes it a personal medium. You need to use some care when scanning, especially keep in mind that the web is an intimate medium. Keep your photographs small in screen size and carefully select the areas you wish to scan. If you have an image that is 4 inches by 6 inches you wouldn't want it to remain that size on the computer screen. That would be HUGE!

You will also need to take care and select the area you wish to scan wisely. If you have a picture of your dog running around in a field, you'd probably want to just scan the part of the photgraph that is your dog. There's no need to scan the entire photograph.

Even though you can resize images in Photoshop, it's best to scan them to the proper size. Every time you enlarge or reduce the size of an image you will affect the quality of the image.

Again, keep in mind that images for the web are best created at 72 pixels per inch. So make sure that you set the scanner to 72 pixels per inch!

When you turn on the computer that is attached to the scanner you will see an icon on the Desktop that says Scan. Click on this icon and you will open Photoshop. Desktop

Vistascan Once Photoshop is open you need to go under File, and set the computer to Acquire an image with VistaScan


Controls The Scanner control window will open.


Now you have to:

Place the image to be scanned face down on the scanner's surface.

Make sure that you have the scanner set to scan at 72dpi (that stands for dots per inch, or in our case pixels per inch).

Select the scanning size of your image.

It is best to capture your image at the correct size rather than try and resize it later in Photoshop.

You can do some small sizing adjustments in Photoshop, but if you have to reduce or enlarge it much, it will affect the quality of your image.

Due to Bandwidth concerns you don't want to have images that are large. If you need to have a large image to show detail, you should scan both a small thumbnail then Link that thumbnail to a page showing your larger image.

Keep in mind that the web is an intimate medium and no image should be larger than the width or height of the computer screen.



Preview Click the Preview button on the control panel. This will scan the entire area of the scanner's platten. Sizing

Now draw a box around the area of the image you wish to scan with the MarqueeMarquee Tool.

You can adjust the size of the area selected by using the arrow arrow to adjust the size of the box.



You can get more control over the placement of your Marquee selection, if you use the Magnifier Magnifier Tool to enlarge the image.

Click the Scan button on the control panel

Finished Scan You now have a finished scan. Save it on your disk or in your work folder and then you can pull it into Photoshop to do any further editing.

Web Building tutorials: Intro | Fonts | Backgrounds | Lists | Layout | Tables | Graphics | FTP
Photoshop tutorials: Getting Started | Text | Backgrounds | Filters | Icons | Photos & Scanning
Fireworks tutorials: Getting Started | Paths, Objects | Fills, Strokes, Effects | Text, Effects | Import/Export | Image Map | Slicing | Behaviors | Putting it all together

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