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Assessment Criteria

Class Participation 30% of grade. This is very important because the majority of meetings will be held in cyberspace. In cyberspace, if you do not participate you don't exist.

You will be assessed as to the quantity rather than the quality of your participation. This does not mean, however, that 'me too' responses are appropriate or indeed even counted. This class is an online post-graduate seminar and you are expected to complete the readings and to participate in the class discussion

Assessment Criteria

You will be assessed as to the quantity rather than the quality of your participation. This does not mean, however, that 'me too' responses are appropriate or indeed even counted. This class is an online post-graduate seminar and you are expected to complete the readings and to participate in the class discussion.


Active participation in 70% or more of the online discussions during the semester.

Average Active participation in 50-69% of the online discussions during the semester.

Active participation in less than 50% of the conversations during the semester.

*note: this means total discussions - including multiple discussions in each weekly topic - not weekly topics

Group Website

40% of grade. Submitted by November 19, 2006. In Moodle submit the URL of your site and make sure that the site has ALL your names on it somewhere. You will be given server space for this assignment.

Tips on using FTP for moving your website to the server:

Dr. Missy's FTP Tutorial


Assessment Criteria

Assessment will focus on how well you and your partners have researched the topic as well as how well you have worked together to integrate the information that you have gathered individually into a seamless whole.

We should not be able to tell which one of you did what part of the work. This is a team effort.

Design considerations should focus on displaying and ordering information into a logical structure. Even though this website is a 'page of links' you need to make it more informative than just a 'bookmarks' page.

Staffordshire students, this is not the place where you begin to write your Research Paper, but rather a place where you organize and display online resources that can be used for anyone researching the topic.


Website shows a high degree of logic and consistancy in design and structure. Information has great depth and is ordered in such a manner that the user will find it an excellent source for finding information related to the topic.

Average Website shows a degree of logic and consistancy in design and structure. Information has some depth but there are some problems in usability and navigational aims.
Fail Website shows lows levels of logic and consistancy in design. Information is scarce and the user has difficulty in making sense of the navigation.

Personal Essay

Self Reflection Essay
30% of grade. December 10, 2006. Submitted in Moodle

Assessment Criteria

This is just what it says... a personal self reflection essay. It should document and reflect on the different methods you've used for communicating and learning in this (Digital Culture) module.


Essay shows a high degree of reflection and analysis of the teaching/learning experiences you've encountered in this online class. It is a thorough, critical assessment of the different communication experiences. It weighs the possitives and negative of each one and how each applies to communicating and working in the modern world. It is also well written with few or no grammar and spelling errors.

Average Essay shows some degree of reflection and analysis of the teaching/learning experiences you've encountered in this online class. It lacks thoroughness and its critical assessment of the communication process is superficial. There is some understanding of how the different communication processes applies to the modern world. There are some spelling and grammar errors.
Fail Essay shows little reflection and analysis of the teaching/learning experiences you've encountered in this online class. There is little or no understanding of how these communication processes and subjects apply in the modern world. There are many spelling and grammar errors.

Typical errors students make with this essay is that they discuss each process separately rather than integrating them into a whole.

* If English is not your first language you should have your paper checked and proofed by a native speaker. You are expected to communicate in a proper written style. Allowances will not be made because English is not your first language.


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