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Privacy and Security
November 19 - November 25
Cyber Rights and Cyber Liberties Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) main purpose is to promote free speech and privacy on the Internet and raise public awareness of these important issues.



Read the following articles located in your reading pack and use them in this week's discussion.

Google Offers a Bird's-Eye View, and Some Governments Tremble
A Sinister Web Entraps Victims of Cyberstalkers
A Growing Web of Watchers Builds a Surveillance Society
Privacy for People Who Don't Show Their Navels
Watchdog to investigate eBay over data privacy allegations
Judge Halts NSA Snooping
Peace and Privacy in the Pacific
Privacy Debacle Hall of Fame
How Bot Those Nets?
Hackers Clone E-Passports

Unfortunately many of the sources that have been used for readings such as newspapers and magazines no longer keep their links active. For this reason, under Fair Use guidelines, you have been given a reading pack. You are not allowed to distribute the readings in any form

Marsha Woodbury Marsha Cook Woodbury, Ph.D.
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science,
Former National Chair, CPSR,
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.
Advisor to a female engineering sorority, Alpha Omega Epsilon.
Author of her first book, Computer and Information Ethics, just


During the week, make a note of how many times someone may be collecting digital information about you. This can include store 'bonus' cards etc. What kind of data do you think that they are getting?

Refer to this exercise in the discussion.


How has the 'War on Terrorism' impacted your views of privacy and security?

Go to the Bulletin Board.. and begin the discussion



Here are some links for further information

The Privacy Forum | The RIP Bill | The Guardian Explains the RIP Act |


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